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We Asked – “What does spirituality mean to you?”

Local Windsorites from all walks of life answer our question on spirituality
Author: The Drive Magazine
6 years ago
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As Shirley Jackson writes in The Haunting of Hill House, “No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream.”
Whether we are yak, Yeti or yeoman, conscious beings need to contemplate something larger than ourselves. Gurus, mantras and spirituality are as common today as McDonald’s Happy Meals. But what is spirituality? Is it found in the candle and yoga mat section of Chapters? Is it tai chi in the park?

“Believing in something greater than ourselves. And trust that it will guide you in life.”—Matthew Melville, provincial offence officer

“It’s about being a good person and doing the right things because they are the right things to do. It’s about leading your life the best way you know how. It is about choosing to be found doing your duty.” —Kevin Corriveau, professor at St. Clair College

“To me spirituality isn’t so much a belief in God as an understanding of how everything and everyone is connected. I think so often in our society we focus on the differences between one another, but if you look at things through a more spiritual lens you see how similar we all are.” —Jen Hale, editor/writer

“It’s…not giving up on yourself, believing in yourself.”—Hanna, 8 years old

“Talking inward to God, guides, angels… basically expressing love to oneself from within.”— Kelly Spinarsky, makeup artist/stylist

“Spirituality to me is the way you live. How you see your surroundings, and how you adapt and react to all things you take in. Form of thought, acceptance and meaning. Specifically not a religion or belief but a form of being.” —Ken Stewart, managing director

“It is touching the lives of others, being connected—mind, body and spirit. To shine your light on everyone you come in contact with to enrich their lives and shine too.” —MaryAnn Sobocan, assistant manager at CosmoProf

“Discovering yourself naturally through different connections to fulfill your life.” —Ana Stulic, fashion designer

“UNICORNS!.”—Armenie, 6 years old

“Spirituality is not religion…it is our souls longing to be known. Each person expresses their spirit each and every moment, in different ways—love, heartache, anger… it is all part of the same cloth. It is also about sacred communion and merging with the Divine—what some call God or Universe or Higher Power.” —Julie Ward, intimacy and relationship coach

“Spirituality is the spark that connects us to the consciousness of the universe. It is an embrace of goodness and kindness that our souls surrender to for serenity and calmness.” —Sheryl Davies, publisher

“It is your true spirit. Your true self inside of you.”—Alexandra, 9 years old

“Spiritualism is most people’s way of saying they don’t believe in God but they do believe in something that keeps them headed towards that place in the words of Norman Greenbaum,’When I die and they lay me to rest, I’m gonna go to the place that’s the best.’” — Steven Sprankle, father, student and public relations professional

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