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Cherry Crisp

Serves 6 Cherry Filling: Oat Crumble: Topping Method:

Trail Magic – Part I

On Easter Monday morning, bikepacking cyclist Mike Janson, left the back door of his friend’s house in Vancouver and embarked on a twenty-two-day journey that took him more than 2,200 kilometers to San Francisco, California. Packed with equipment, including a tent, rain gear, and food, Mike’s Priority 600 bicycle weighed one-hundred-thirty-five pounds. Not only was […]

Reel to Real: A Conversation with Gavin Michael Booth

“It’s the ‘What Would Dave Hunter Do’ method now,” perched on the couch in his home studio in Windsor, Ontario, filmmaker Gavin Michael Booth reminisces the life of his dear friend. A melancholic nostalgia falls over the room louder than the rain pounding on Gavin’s roof, setting the tone for a somber exchange about the […]

Maximize Your Curb Appeal

Maximizing your curb appeal is essential to impress potential buyers and visitors or to create your personal sanctuary.

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