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Financing My Future

Author: The Drive Magazine
3 years ago
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by: Kennedy Hardy

Teacher: Mrs. I’Anson – ENG4U

We live in an ever-changing and evolving economy that requires preparation for future endeavors. In seven years, I see myself as a marketing specialist, aspiring to be a marketing director. Financially, I imagine I will struggle with student loans, car payments, planning for retirement, budgeting, saving, and beginning my investment portfolio. I feel my financial institution can help me with post-secondary expenses, investment advice, and setting myself up to better handle the financial burdens of adulthood.

Although post-secondary education will qualify me for certain job positions, it also brings numerous, long-lasting expenses. At 25 years old, my student loans will simply pile upon other living expenses. I will need a down payment for a house, auto loans for the vehicle I’ll need to commute to work, and other common living expenses. I am aware that, “student debt can be overwhelming. Yet there are some actions that you can take to decrease it and pay it off quicker” (Konradsen, “Financial Advisors Can Help with Student Financial Debt”). To avoid unwanted interest charges, student loans should be the first debt repaid; however, a financial institution can help me organize my debt, set priorities, and decide on payment options.

Along with lowering debt, I want to be building an investment account. For my money to grow with the rate of inflation, I will need to keep it (however small it may be) in a safe investment account with potential for growth. Using a financial institution “helps to improve decision making because it follows a systematic approach to calculate all the risks and rewards” (“Financial Institution”). A financial institution can collect necessary information about account options, provide statical data on growth, and help me determine my risk level. Without the advice of a professional, I would be leaving valuable savings in the hands of fate.

Adulthood is famous for its struggles, both personally and financially. To minimize uncertainty, I need to plan for future expenses. Much like preparing for post-secondary when I’m 17, I will need to plan for retirement at 25. I need to start saving when I start working to utilize the amazing power of being young. (“When to start saving for retirement”). When I am paying off student debt, a mortgage, and daily expenses, finding capital to save will be difficult. Retirement savings cannot be postponed later than seven years from now and a financial institution can help find a plan that works for me.

At the age of 25, I hope to be a marketing specialist with a plan for my financial future. I will need help navigating student loans, developing an investment portfolio, and saving for retirement. I believe that a financial institution has the resources to succeed in the current economy and to prepare me for the future.

Works Cited

“Financial Institution | Types, Features, Functions of Financial Institution.” Educba, 2020,

Financial Institution | Types, Features, Functions of Financial Institution (educba.com). Accessed 9 January 2022.

Konradsen, Salinas. “Financial Advisors Can Help with Student Financial Debt.” The Journey of Preston 952, 26 Sept. 2020,

Financial Advisors Can Help with Student Financial Debt – The Journey of Preston 952 (wordpress.com). Accessed 9 January 2022.

“When to start saving for retirement.” Vanguard, 2022,

            When to start saving for retirement | Vanguard. Accessed 9 January 2022.

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