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Gas of Tank Book Review

A new local law enforcement memoir takes the reader into the gritty world police face everyday

Non-verbal Communication in the Courtroom

by Steven Bezaire In life, even though you choose your words carefully, non-verbal communication – such as facial expression, hand gestures, gaze patterns, posture, and body movements – can lose you a poker hand, diminish your chances in a job interview, or even get you convicted by a jury. In a court of law, the […]

Financing My Future

by: Kennedy Hardy Teacher: Mrs. I’Anson – ENG4U We live in an ever-changing and evolving economy that requires preparation for future endeavors. In seven years, I see myself as a marketing specialist, aspiring to be a marketing director. Financially, I imagine I will struggle with student loans, car payments, planning for retirement, budgeting, saving, and […]

Within The Silver

Written by: Mariam Raphael-Bakmaya ̈Every cloud has a silver lining ̈ is a hard thing to say when you are standing here soaked by the rain. These clouds seem like all they ever make is wet puddles for me to stomp in, swim in, and then drown in. It seems like I am never able […]

Local Food

Student Essay by Jesse Lucier   Many people don’t realize it but there is a large variety of locally grown food that is easily accessible. When we think of locally grown food we think of fruits and vegetables but there are also locally grown eggs and dairy products. You can find these products at your […]

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